A New Kind of Passport: National Parks

I have always desired to explore new places right here in America, but honestly I didn’t know where to start or how to go about it. Kind of crazy, when I have already gone to 30 countries in the world to see what they have to offer.. but it is true. The US has so many places and things to do, that really I am unsure of just how to go about it. On a trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee for my Spelunking trip I came upon my solution. As my friends and I explored Chattanooga, to the World’s steepest passenger Train incline, we were recommended to check out Pointe Park for beautiful views of the city. Unfortunately it was rather cloudy and we could hardly see the views, but something awesome came out of the adventure. It was rather cold, and one of my friends had to use the bathroom. …

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Sleeping in a Cave!!



I am OOBER excited to explore my first cave (spelunking) and then sleeping in it!!! I found out about spelunking from a friend… and have desired to go ever since. Myself, along with about 4 other friends will be making that happen on Saturday… Can’t wait to tell you all about it!!! Have an amazing weekend!!!



Be Your Own Trendsetter….. Be You!!

As our week starts and we bring February to an end, I challenge you to be your own trendsetter. Let us not care what you feel you should be doing and how you should be doing it. It is just fine the path you have chosen… It is fine the way you dress… It is fine how you express yourself… It is fine if you don’t watch Scandal… It is fine if you still like wearing overalls… It is fine… just the way you are as long as you love who you are.

This week, do what you want to do, just how you want to do it… and let it be known it is okay if you are the odd one out.. After all in order to be number one.. you have to be odd.. right??

(HAHA.. okay maybe my humor sucks.. but you get my point… 1 is an odd number- feel free to laugh now)

I am sharing below a video from Sandrina Hunsel, a national team volleyball player I met from Suriname. She just started translating her motivational speeches into english, and her video focused on being a Trendsetter is my inspiration to get the week going.

In her word:

“You are a gift, start being who you are.. and start giving the world what you really have to give…”


You can follow her on:

Facebook: Moonshine c&c

Youtube: Sandrina Hunsel

Email: moonstonecc@outlook.com


Now Check out the video… how will you be a trendsetter this week?

Why You Should Not Get a Selfie Stick!

This is a real issue of mine everyone so hear me out… I am so over seeing people with these ridiculous sticks taking pictures of themselves… IS IT REALLY NEEDED??? Now… I am one of the biggest selfie queens out there… in many of my photos posted you will see my hand extended and I am ultimately trying to capture a memorable moment or place with me in it… so why do I think the Selfie Stick is the WORST thing EVER!!!??? ANSWER: IT TAKES AWAY FROM THE MAIN PURPOSE OF TRAVELING We are already in the frame of mind that “I CAN DO IT ALL BY MYSELF”… but we weren’t meant to do anything by ourself… maybe using the bathroom is good solo… but most other things are better with someone else to share it with!! So you go travel to  see the world and be able to experience …

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New Experiences in The Bahamas: Atlantis, Conch, Sheep’s Tongue, Wedding

I am back from The Bahamas ladies and gentleman. I went right after my seminar on February 10th, which went well (thank you all for the support).Now, I have been to New Providence and Paradise Island before, but this trip allowed me to fall in love with both islands all over again! Rather than stay with friends as I usually do I stayed on Paradise Island, and it gave me a new appreciation for fun and relaxation available there. So here is how it all went down in a nutshell.The WeddingClearly the reason I went to Nassau in the first place was to see 2 wonderful people become one. Both were members of the Bahamian National Team for volleyball and that is how I came to know them. It was a beautiful wedding with good friends and family. Best part was seeing my friend bawl his eyes out… I am still …

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Learn Something New this Week…

“There is always something to learn….ALWAYS something to that is important to understand.” ~unknown.

Life lessons never end.. it doesn’t end with that masters, or PhD, or that promotion…

What will you learn about this week?

It’s February!! Let’s start it with a BANG!

If you don’t step forward, you are always in the same place! -Floyd Patterson


Take that step forward this week.. I mean what is the use of always wondering… #YOLO #TRY #MakeMoves

Amazing FREE Tours When Traveling: Know What You are Taking a Picture of!

Ever get to a new city/country and start snapping pictures of every cool things you see… buildings, people, food.. BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE!!?? While it may be obvious when taking pictures with the Eiffel Tower or even the Statue of Liberty… what about the other buildings and cool things unknown to you. This is usually where people go after EXPENSIVE tours on buses to get and understanding of where you are and know what the heck you are taking pictures. You may not even fall into this category and just roam around cities snapping pictures because “it seems like it is important.” And that is okay too… but I am here to tell you there is another way (and quite frankly I think it is AMAZING!) The answer to knowing more about where you are is: FREE WALKING TOURS WHAT? Yes.. I said it…FREE!!! If you …

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Status Update

You get in life, what you have the courage to ask for!

Oprah Winfrey

Go after it, and make this week amazing!!!