Within the Walls of History: Arbeit Macht Frei

  I was never a big fan of history in school.. even though I had to take several AP and Higher Level exams throughout my schooling on it… I dreaded every single one of those classes. Not because I thought history was pointless or unimportant. But because I read over and over in a book of all these events that truthfully I could not picture or grasp. While I love traveling because I enjoy seeing amazing places, meeting great people, eating tons of food that I would never otherwise try… I have fallen in love with bringing history alive. Sometimes it is beautiful and spring forth life into me. Other times, it brings me to tears and disbelief that anyone could have endured events and circumstances I have simply read about it books. One of these events is by no means alien to anyone that has gone through the educational system …

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Travel Souvenirs You Can’t Find in a Gift Shop

While most of people tend to be all about the “Benjamins,” my addiction to money just can’t be found in your everyday bank. As I have travelled the world I have found myself more and more addicted to collecting money from the places I have been. I know have a decent size collection ranging from Bank Notes from the days of Nazi Germany, to 50,000,000,000 dinara printed during the inflation of 1996 in Yugoslavia! Yes you read that right, it is not a typo… 50 BILLION DINARA!! It has become my greatest adventure trying to obtain current local money but also any interesting past notes worthy of keep sake. I am not one to come back with key chains and t-shirts as souvenirs, but wild stories about how I got different currencies… well I have plenty of those. I am still hoping to obtain all the coins of Euro, but …

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Travel like a VIP: Global Entry Rocks

I am here to tell everyone that travels internationally to get Global Entry. After reading this article you should jump on the website, fill out your form and get the next appointment at the nearest airport (hopefully there is one available soon!) Unfortunately as you know there are no photos allowed so I have taken a few from the global entry site. For those who are oblivious to what I am ranting and raving about, Global Entry is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) program that allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers in the United States. This takes away LONG customs and immigrations lines and check in lines at US airports (Pre-TSA approved). But there are even more perks that I will let you know about. It is just $100 for 5 years!! So you are paying $20 a year for hassle free travel! You can learn about how to …

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Holiday Fun in a Nutshell: Mechanical Bull, Amish Food, Spike Ball, Willy Chin Party, Shabu Shabu, Family Time and more…

While the holiday was simple and relaxing, it was a much-needed one before beginning a new year and continuing my research. Rather than write a million different posts… I just wanted to share how my holiday was and see just what you did on your wonderful break!! City Walk Orlando (Bob Marley-A Tribute to Freedom Live Band) Before all the Christmas celebration began, I ended up in Orlando to celebrate a close friend’s birthday. She then explained we were going to City Walk and though I should know more about it, I surely had not a clue what we were going to do. Turns out it is neare Univeral Studios, and at night there are a bunch of clubs around that you can go to. In fact they had a band you could pay like $12 to get, and go in and out of any club. All the places were …

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You are Never Too “Poor” to Travel!

One of the things my friends or people in general comment on is the fact that traveling or adventure COST SO MUCH!!! I am here to tell you that is absolute BULL… Stop making excuses and change your MIND SET!! So, now you are thinking… “But my situation is different Dr. Wanderlust.” Excuses are all in the same… at the end of the day how you think is what holds you from what you are set out to accomplish. I was listening to an audiobook “What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast” and it really made me think of all the LAME excuses I make as to why I don’t get things done. For some it is: “the gym is far away!” “another slice of pizza will be fine!” or “it’s not the right time!” Either way we all have excuses. This is how you can start changing your way of thinking (and yes, …

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8 Apps for the Organized Traveler’s Soul

I am one of those overly organized travelers… I even make itineraries.  I research everything in advance, find places I want to see, things I want to do, explore costs the best cost… but I still leave time for the “unexpected” fun I may encounter that my Google search just did not pick up. I have seen many apps out there that are the must haves, and I definitely agree on a few such as Dropbox, Kayak and Skype!!!! Seriously…. what do you do when living overseas for a few months, and just desiring to see your family and friends… but realistically, flying home is not an option…. get on Skype! So, I think if there is anyone out there like myself, that enjoys an organized travel life then here are some Free Apps for you!! I have separated my favorite apps into 3 categories below, and have shared how I use most of these …

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Meet Dr. Wanderlust

A very dear friend of mine introduced me to the term “wanderlust” recently. As soon as I heard it, I knew this was definitely the word that sums up my desires. Wanderlust is “a strong desire to travel”. If that doesn’t sum me up in one word, I don’t know what else does. I am currently a PhD student in Neuroscience… and while I am crazy busy in lab… I can’t help but explore and travel.  While the stereotypes of a person in a Phd program especially in biomedical research seems to be that we are lab rats with boring lives… I guess, I am here to give a different perspective. As most of my friends and family members know, I am addicted to traveling… I enjoy being able to see other cultures and meeting different people. I have been blessed thus far to be able to go to many …

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