8 Ways to Make Weekends in the Lab Fun

While working on weekends is not a must… research is ongoing and the desire to find out more often gets me to work on the weekends (especially if I don’t have a trip/adventure planned).

However, the weekend does not have to be counted like a total loss.  Most people just hear “I’m going to work!” and assumes my day will be sitting inside my lab or analyzing data 9 am – 5 pm. THIS IS COMPLETELY WRONG!

First, a lot of what I do includes LONG incubation period/treatment times… so I do not have to sit there and watch my cells the entire time. While, you could sit in lab staring at the many posters that you really only have up because it looked pretty, or scrolling through Facebook to pass time… Get up and do something. Here are some ways how!!

1) Overdrive: FREE BOOKS! FREE AUDIOBOOKS! FREE MOVIES!! I found out about Overdrive from a hairdresser a few months back and it has been live changing. Overdrive is an app downloadable to most phones where you can borrow books, audiobooks and movies by linking your library card to it. Yes I know most of you are like… LIBRARY CARD? But it is quite simple, just go to your local library and get the card you never actually have to step foot back in the library again. You just need the number on the back.

I have mostly borrowed audiobooks for the moments when my eyes are occupied but I would like some entertainment. So while I drive to my locations, sometimes while doing experiments, or simply to pass time until I have to do the next step of my protocol I am enjoying a good read from all literary avenues. It doesn’t hurt to check it out.

2) Pandora One: Unlimited Music You Actually Like! I am usually in lab jamming out, dancing or lip-singing to some good tunes from the 1990’s (I am not so much a fan of this new generation of music). So, tuning into the radio isn’t really going to keep me entertained. While most of us have Pandora or some form of radio app on our phones, there is nothing like the upgrade to Pandora One. While it does cost $4.99 a month and usually I’m all about what’s free, I must say this is a great investment. It allows for AD FREE listening, so I no longer have to wait for long advertisements after just 3 or so songs which I am all for. Also, it allows you to skip more songs that you do not like. Whether you choose Pandora or Pandora One, I just love that all my playlists, find the songs that I like and I can enjoy my time in lab TONS MORE! Check out Pandora One today.

3) Church: Mosque, Chapel or Other Spiritual Locations Nothing like getting your work done, and getting some Jesus in as well. Most people use the excuse of I have to work, or busy. Well, I just make sure whatever I am doing places my incubation time/treatment time around my God Time. By the time I come back and I have received the word. Not only am I in a great mood, but in most cases the experiment is usually coming to an end. So I finish up and head home.

4) Outdoor Activities: There have been many times when I walk into lab in the morning and have no idea it stormed outside, until the moment I am leaving. So, I try to change up my routine a bit to ensure some outdoorsy activity that I can enjoy.

Canoeing/Kayaking: Lucky for me I live in Florida and our school has a lake which allows us to kayak or canoe for $5!! Weekends are especially peaceful, and it is just right up the street. So, whenever I have some time usually a few hours, I head on down to the park, and rent a kayak or canoe (if I invite others with me). While relaxing with the crocodiles in the water, I can bring lunch and listen to some Pandora One/Overdrive until I know it is time to head back to lab.

Drive In Movies: I am not a movies kind of person, but I do enjoy a movie now and again. You may never find the time to go, but with 3 hours of downtime, again, why not see that new movie you wanted to see? Personally, I prefer drive in movies (which is why this is considered outdoors for me), so if I have to do a treatment for say 12 hours and I want my to be able to begin experiments in the morning, I just come into lab that night, and instead of going home, since I am out and about I watch a movie. However, clearly you can do this mid day on a Saturday in a normal movie theater as well.

5) Work Out: I sit! I pipette! I sit! I pipette! Every once in a while we may get the opportunity to lift a package delivered downstairs! While my thumbs may be strong… I do try to find the time to get a quick workout in. Whether you take a quick run around a close by park, go to the school gym, or join a gym, as I have joined Planet Fitness (cheap and they have personal trainers you can work with individually!). It will keep you not only healthy but give you energy to continue your experiments when you are done.

6) Catch up with neglected friends and family: We all have that friend who wants to hang out but we never can! Or family members who we mean to call back or Skype… Well, now is the time. Why not set up a lunch date around the time you would be staring at your wall or give your friends/family a quick call. Not only will they appreciate that you are taking time for them during work, but you will enjoy the laughter and updates. This will pass time and have you wanting more time to talk.

7) Volunteer: There is nothing better than giving back, but time in the week just seems impossible. You are working endless hours and by the time you get home you just want to eat, sleep or watch Scandal (or whatever your favorite show is at the moment). I find it to be the perfect time to give back, since there are no strict time frames of when you need to be in lab. I personally have 2 non-profits I dedicate my time to on such days, LAMB Foundation (of which I am the Founder) and Bridge Kids International (of which I am a board member). If I am not out trying to find new donors, volunteers, or trying to catch a sale on school supplies… then I most likely have a meeting of some sort to discuss what we have coming up with other board members. You may find other organizations close by that may need a helping hand… And always remember… giving time means just as much, if not more than giving money.

8) Service Your Car: It takes forever to get done, and if you do it in the week it seems you are always late to return to work or for an appointment. Weekends could be that time when you do the general oil change or tire rotations etc. This way come Monday that weird light that is on will no longer be a part of your already super long to do list.

Dr. Wanderlust

I am a Neuroscience Graduate Student, Past Professional Volleyball Player with a love for traveling the world, cultures and adventures. I am a frugal traveler so I am always looking out for great deals, but I am also very much into trying new things, meeting new people and learning no matter where I go. Check out my signature iJump photos from around the world.