You are Never Too “Poor” to Travel!


One of the things my friends or people in general comment on is the fact that traveling or adventure COST SO MUCH!!! I am here to tell you that is absolute BULL… Stop making excuses and change your MIND SET!!

So, now you are thinking… “But my situation is different Dr. Wanderlust.” Excuses are all in the same… at the end of the day how you think is what holds you from what you are set out to accomplish. I was listening to an audiobook “What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast” and it really made me think of all the LAME excuses I make as to why I don’t get things done. For some it is: “the gym is far away!” “another slice of pizza will be fine!” or “it’s not the right time!” Either way we all have excuses.

This is how you can start changing your way of thinking (and yes, I am calling you out on your habits that hinder your ability to travel!).

Everyone that travels has tons of money to blow!
This is usually the first instinct of the Wannabe Travelers… AKA YOU!!! Quite frankly, this is one of the myths of travel lovers everywhere! We HAVE NO MONEY… just like you. We aren’t traveling first class and staying in 5 star hotels. Furthermore, we don’t have the mommy and daddy banks to dip into anymore.  We simple know we want to travel, think about how to get it done, and make the sacrifices to jump on that plane/bus/train.  I have seen people travel that didn’t even know where they would stay the next day, or those hitchhiking their way across Europe.  I have traveled before with very few dollars, stayed in a hostel a few times and had a great time. While on trips there are tons of free things to do and still get a great experience. In another post I will share how I visited Norway, Denmark, Serbia, Turkey, England, and a stop over in Zurich for under $2000!!! (And I flew from Florida!!) Nothing is Impossible!

Where is your money going?
The fine line between you traveling and having adventure can be the same as (1) that new Iphone 6 you just bought, even though your Iphone 5s was working just fine (2) the sum of all your weekends at the bar with friends or even (3) eating out every day rather than making lunch or cooking dinner! Most travelers know that having the “typical” joys of the world cannot fulfill their lust for travel and adventure. So, they will be the people that pass on the drink fest every Saturday night, just so that money goes into their next adventure. I personally, don’t go out often to drink or party… etc. But I am a shoe and technology addict! *Covers face* When it comes time for a bigger adventure, I cut down on these things… I have to make due with what I have even though I really, really want that new pair of shoes I saw on SALE!

Think of some areas in your life that you “willingly” give your money to every week/month that you could really do without. After all, money is the reason you don’t travel right?

DREAM BIG! Start Small!
Start thinking about places or adventure you want to be on. Yes, you are going to start thinking I want to go to China and see the Great Wall, or Australia to see some kangaroos. Let me tell you right now, if you do, you WILL NOT TRAVEL! Just the flight there will be $1500+.  Check out local adventures around your town or close by cities… hiking, rock climbing, seeing a new place, scuba diving, taking new lessons in anything!!! The list is honestly endless. A great adventure doesn’t have to be in a new country… it can be right under your nose. (Check Groupon or LivingSocialfor great savings- plus I’m addicted to these sites) By completing small adventures and travel trips you will begin to see that it is possible. Your desire to travel will start to grow, and you will work harder to get to that big trip to China!

Wake up and say, “I will travel!” Now, I am not saying just by speaking the words you will find a ticket on your counter to fly out next weekend. However, how you perceive traveling as an obstacle will drastically change. You will see that what you originally saw as mountains to get over are really just speed bumps in the way. You will begin finding solutions to how to make it happen, then finding reasons why it shouldn’t or can’t. Believing in what you want to do or accomplish, is simply accepting that it is possible. It takes it from the list of dreams (such as your desire to have magical powers), to the list of goals (next to that degree you are completing or the house you want to buy). Believing makes travel realistic for you!

So, right now you may not have money set aside to travel. That is okay… START NOW! Open a savings account or simply get a jar that you throw extra coins, dollars, or money you save from deciding not to go to the bar last weekend. But let me tell you…if you WANT to travel, you will find a way.

And remember:
“Excuses are monuments of nothingness. They build bridges to nowhere.” -Anonymous

Share any adventures/travel you have taken with little money? Or share some obstacle standing in your way of traveling and how you plan to get over that speed bump!!

Dr. Wanderlust

I am a Neuroscience Graduate Student, Past Professional Volleyball Player with a love for traveling the world, cultures and adventures. I am a frugal traveler so I am always looking out for great deals, but I am also very much into trying new things, meeting new people and learning no matter where I go. Check out my signature iJump photos from around the world.