One Step Closer: Committee Members Found


I wrote last year (2014), because that was SOOOO long ago, about my quest for committee members. I also shared my issues in not only asking them, but introducing myself to these individuals (because they have no idea who I am). I am pleased to share I did in fact form my committee! #YAY #High5After talking to a few students who already have their committee in place, my mentor,  seeing the head of the PhD department (along with the liaison for all paperwork related)…. I buckled down and explored my best options.

I chose people I contacted based on 3 main things:

  1. Direct research in HIV and drug related issues (not many focus on this at my school), and the ability for them to keep my research clinically relevant.
  2. Second member I chose for pharmacology background as this will be crucial for the entire projects.
  3. Third member I chose for general neuroscience knowledge, and new techniques/methodology I can add to my research (which is one of my weaknesses)

I received 2 immediate YES responses, and requests for meetings! However, in filling the final role, I have had to experience the “I am sorry but I have other obligations/commitments.”  not once, but twice… AHHH!

So, back to the drawing board I went to find my 3rd and final committee member. And I am glad to say I am official done with this aspect. I have several meetings with each of the members, and will have an official group meeting after my seminar in February.

All in all, it really wasn’t as bad as I made it out to be. I mean, it was a tedious task of ensuring all my ducks were in a row by the rules… however, glad it is all said and done and I can focus on research and being prepared for my qualifying exam.

Thanks for your support. If you used another way to find your committee members share below!!

Dr. Wanderlust

I am a Neuroscience Graduate Student, Past Professional Volleyball Player with a love for traveling the world, cultures and adventures. I am a frugal traveler so I am always looking out for great deals, but I am also very much into trying new things, meeting new people and learning no matter where I go. Check out my signature iJump photos from around the world.