2015 Bucket List Recap

So I guys, Happy New Year! It’s gonna be a great year to accomplish new goals. What do you have up your sleeve for 2016? It has been a long time since I wrote to you.. but what a year it was. I hope everyone can look back on 2015 and look in amazement in how far you have come.. but just how far 2016 will take you. Unfortunately I did not finish my entire bucket list… But I will definitely carry over those I did not finish to the new list.   Lets take a quick recap   Salt Therapy I completed Salt Therapy in Orlando, which was a great experience. Find out more by reading my post.   Murder Mystery Dinner I did the Murder Mystery Dinner with my older sister in Palm Beach, and of course our team won and figured out the killer…. We is smart!! …

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#6 Stop pressurin’ me…. Make me wanna SCREAM

The one and only song Janet and Michael every did together.. how can it not make my top 10 list?? So my #6 song is Scream! It is no surprise that Janet and Michael would team up for a song like this… so much going in their lives… But we don’t have to be famous with paparazzi in our faces to relate to this song… Even though this song was in retaliation to a case against Michael… We are all in a world with judgement, people spreading lies, trying to pull you down… but how far will we allow them to tear us down…. Sometimes it gets so much…

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#7 Everybody Needs to Feel Real Special

So far it is pretty clear some of my favorite songs aren’t even the most popular songs… don’t get me wrong… I love all of those songs as well.. but I would like to share a bit of Janet most people may never see or hear because they will always know All for you… Control… Love will never do without you etc… But Janet has some other amazing tracks that you may relate to..as I have. Special is my #7 on the Top 10 countdown. Why? It helps with just reflecting… showing how special you are regardless of what you have been through. Dealing with all the things in our life so we can move forward.  I just want you to lay down, listen to this song… and allow it move you the way it should… Water your spiritual Garden  

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#8 Today will be the start of BETTER DAYS

8 days until Janet and I would like to share my #8 Song on the top 10 list Better Days! This one hits a more personal spot in my life… and even though Janet never made a video or put this out off the All for You album I am so thankful she made this song… somehow it felt like she made it just for me! So this is why I love this song so much…. Many people ask me how on earth I am so happy all the time? Why is it that you are always smiling? Does nothing go wrong in your life? Truth be told…a lot has gone wrong in my life and a lot still goes wrong in my life. What many people don’t know is I used to cry myself to sleep every night… I used to not want to be me… I used to just …

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