Seminar Today!! AHHH!!

Presenting my very first Seminar today… plus meeting with my committee members!!!! I am not even really sure what to expect… but I guess just wish me luck!!! (THANKS!!)


Travel Deal: MIAMI TO CURACAO FOR $94!!!!

Head to Google Flights and search for your flights now!!!! Miami to Curacao for $94!!! Many dates open!! I booked for July 3rd to July 6th!!!! More information on     Let me know if you book it!!! I booked mine already!!

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Learn Something New this Week…

“There is always something to learn….ALWAYS something to that is important to understand.” ~unknown.

Life lessons never end.. it doesn’t end with that masters, or PhD, or that promotion…

What will you learn about this week?

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day: I Am My Brother’s and Sister’s Keeper

 We all go day in and day out updating our statuses and pictures on Facebook! Instagram! Twitter!! But it is time to update the one status that truly matter…. Get your HIV Status UpdateAs you know, I have always had a strong interest in HIV research. Currently working in the field, mainly on how HIV affects the brain and aging, I still find it important to stress the everyday issues of HIV. While my blog posts are usually more geared towards traveling, I wanted to shed some light on a very serious matter, especially among Black communities in America. February 7, marks the 15th year of  National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day!! This was first observed in 1999 initiated in response to the growing HIV and AIDS epidemic in African American communities.  The theme for 2015 is: “I Am My Brother’s and Sister’s Keeper. Fight HIV/AIDS!” So why do Blacks/African Americans need a special Awareness …

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