8 Apps for the Organized Traveler’s Soul

I am one of those overly organized travelers… I even make itineraries.  I research everything in advance, find places I want to see, things I want to do, explore costs the best cost… but I still leave time for the “unexpected” fun I may encounter that my Google search just did not pick up. I have seen many apps out there that are the must haves, and I definitely agree on a few such as Dropbox, Kayak and Skype!!!! Seriously…. what do you do when living overseas for a few months, and just desiring to see your family and friends… but realistically, flying home is not an option…. get on Skype! So, I think if there is anyone out there like myself, that enjoys an organized travel life then here are some Free Apps for you!! I have separated my favorite apps into 3 categories below, and have shared how I use most of these …

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