150 Feet into the Earth and Beyond (Spelunking Overnight)

While most people like to spend their nights in hotels and resorts, at this point in my life… all that is cool… but unless you are a “7 star” in Dubai… BEEN THERE… DONE THAT!! So, my friends and I decided we will be sleeping in a cave.I wasn’t very surprised I couldn’t really round-up a lot of people as excited as I was for a cave adventures… most were clearly afraid of bats, claustrophobia and dirt and would rather a comfy bed and pillow to lay their head but that didn’t stop me. Luckily I was able to round-up about 4 people willing to make the journey with me… and the plans begun. Unfortunately, 2 of my friends had car troubles driving down to Tennessee and could not make it, but I was so thankful they were okay and got back safely.As for me and the remaining 2… we …

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