Be Your Own Trendsetter….. Be You!!

As our week starts and we bring February to an end, I challenge you to be your own trendsetter. Let us not care what you feel you should be doing and how you should be doing it. It is just fine the path you have chosen… It is fine the way you dress… It is fine how you express yourself… It is fine if you don’t watch Scandal… It is fine if you still like wearing overalls… It is fine… just the way you are as long as you love who you are.

This week, do what you want to do, just how you want to do it… and let it be known it is okay if you are the odd one out.. After all in order to be number one.. you have to be odd.. right??

(HAHA.. okay maybe my humor sucks.. but you get my point… 1 is an odd number- feel free to laugh now)

I am sharing below a video from Sandrina Hunsel, a national team volleyball player I met from Suriname. She just started translating her motivational speeches into english, and her video focused on being a Trendsetter is my inspiration to get the week going.

In her word:

“You are a gift, start being who you are.. and start giving the world what you really have to give…”


You can follow her on:

Facebook: Moonshine c&c

Youtube: Sandrina Hunsel



Now Check out the video… how will you be a trendsetter this week?